RTA is a state-established regional HEI, which according to RTA Development Strategy 2016-2023 has been identified as one of the most important development resources of Rezekne and Latgale (Eastern part of Latvia) by providing academic and professional education on bachelor, master, and doctoral level in the fields of engineering, ICT, metal processing, mechanics, electronics, laser technology, business, economics, manufacturing, teacher training, law, design, etc. RTA has 13 study directions with more than 40 study programs and 30 lifelong learning programs. On average 1600 students are studying annually. It is a state-established regional higher education institution that offers academic and professional education at bachelor, master, and doctoral level in fields of engineering, information technologies, computer science, metal processing, mechanics, electronics, laser technologies, business, economics, manufacturing, teacher training, law, design, etc. The number of graduates has reached 10 thousand since starting its operation in 1993. The mission of RTA is to contribute to the transformation and growth of the economy through education, science, R&D, and innovation system, ensuring the creation of new products and technologies in the scientific fields and inter-disciplines represented by RTA at both national and international levels. RTA has the following Scientific Centres:
1) Business and Social Processes Research Centre (activity areas: growth and development potential of the regions; the role of bioeconomy in the state economy; addressing challenges of employment and social issues in the region; research on innovative solutions and methods with the aim to raise the competitiveness of such business fields as tourism, catering, education, etc., and attract financial resources; opportunities for business development in the region and research in collaboration with certain undertakings of the region on specific problems; theoretical and practical law issues; the efficiency and effectiveness of local authorities and budgetary institutions; analysis of information and communication processes).
2) Geotechnical and Eco-Industrial Research Centre (activity areas: environmental protection; environmental technologies; natural resources and agro-ecology issues; development of new eco-industrial products
3) Information and Communication Technologies Research Centre (activity areas: research in the field of communication technologies; development of inter-sectoral technologies related to information and communication technologies; hardware and software of RTA information technology; chemistry).
4) Biology and Biotechnology Research Centre (activity areas: environmental quality; natural resources and secondary raw materials; development of new products and technologies, particularly in the field of mechatronics and environmental technologies).
5) Physical Processes and Laser Technologies Research Centre (activity areas: laser technologies, laser marking).
6) Metalworking and Mechatronics Research Centre (activity areas: mechatronics, metalworking). The RTA title incorporates the understanding of technologies and purposeful progress not only in the acquisition of the latest technologies but also in their development and transfer to the field of study represented by RTA in thematic areas. One of the priorities of RTA is the internationalization of the study and research process, which is understood as a comprehensive approach to higher education with the aim of improving RTA competitiveness at the national and international level. The most important components of the internationalization process are:
- cooperation in exchange and attracting foreign students and academic staff (especially with practical experience in the industry);
- development and implementation of study programs in EU official foreign languages;
- development of joint study programs;
- international scientific cooperation.